Join us for a lay-led Last Sunday of the Month service on Hunger & Social Justice. Food insecurity continues to be a significant problem in our community. According to Feeding America, nationwide in 2022, 49 million people turned to food banks and other community programs for help putting food on their tables—13 million of these individuals are children. That’s 1 in 5 children who live every day wondering when and where their next meal will come. In addition, many of these same people live in areas considered food deserts, further limiting their access to a wide range of healthy food options. Millions of Americans are one job loss, missed paycheck, or medical emergency away from hunger. Join us to explore the topic of food insecurity and ways in which we can help address this important community issue. Please bring shelf-stable food items to be offered up during the service.
This service will be followed by a community potluck from 9:45-10:30. Feel free to bring a dish to share.