What Dream for Our Country? A Reflection by Pastor Brian Brandt

An Introduction from Pastor Robyn Hartwig

As our country prepares to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, I will be devoting the July 3rd sermon time to one-to-one conversations on the theme of "I Have a Dream" from Martin Luther King, Jr. I will invite us to consider:

  1. How might you describe God's dream or your dream for our country?

  2. As you consider this dream, what gives you hope and what weighs heavy on your heart?

  3. Are there particular ways you feel called to help realize this dream?

To help us all begin to consider our own perspectives, Pastor Brian Brandt and Pastor Janet Parker accepted the invitation to share some of their own reflections this week and next. Thank you to Pastor Brian Brandt for his offering below.

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I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  — Isaiah 43:19

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When I retired a year ago, the new thing I planned for myself was walking along forest paths, meditating beside still waters, dwelling in sacred scriptures. In other words, making laziness my spiritual practice.
But God, it seems, has other plans. I’ve heard the Spirit’s call to organize a “Faith in Democracy” team working under the auspices of The Lincoln Project, specifically with its network of partners known as The Union.
The Union is “a pro-democracy coalition dedicated to saving our democracy from the authoritarian attacks it currently faces.” I’d seen The Union’s call for volunteers, so I filled out a form and listed my skills. I didn’t think they’d have any use for a pastor but offered my services anyway. Several months later, I got a call from The Union’s volunteer coordinator. She asked if I’d organize a faith-based group to address the religious dimension of the authoritarian movement sweeping America.  Once we’d talked, my heart said, “Here I am; send me!”
Why did my heart say “yes”? Because I’m worried about how religious faith is being misused by right-wing zealots to harm our nation. Because I don’t like how the name of Jesus is being misused to erode love for our neighbors, abuse human dignity, undermine the common good, and destroy the democracy we’ve used to secure these values.
It’s been a month since God summoned me to this new thing. I’ve got six partners on the Faith in Democracy team, Christians of all sorts from across the nation.  More will join us. We’re getting to know other teams in The Union. We’re figuring out what to say, how to share our message effectively.  The way forward is coming into focus.  The task is daunting. We feel less than capable. But God calls the weak and lowly to do great things. So, like Mary, I say to the angel: “I am the servant of my God; let it be with me according to your will.”
I am interested in being part of a new thing at Spirit of Grace, too. As you see in Pastor Robyn’s introduction, on July 3 she’s planning one-to-one conversations on questions drawn from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. My own interest is to be in conversation with people who want to explore “Faith in Democracy” at Spirit of Grace.
Why is “Faith in Democracy” important? No form of government can adequately embody the Reign of God. But authoritarian regimes actively work against it. Living in God’s reign means protecting human dignity, promoting the flourishing of individuals in their communities, and caring for the whole creation as if our lives depended on it. In God’s reign, we use love to do justice for all people, especially for those who are least, weakest, and most at risk. We do all this to express our devotion to God.
In America today, all this is at risk: dignity, decency, freedom, love, and justice — all these are at risk because of a growing militant authoritarian political movement that comprises “a clear and present danger to American democracy.” Our democracy “is on a knife’s edge.” [Retired Judge J. Michael Luttig, to the January 6 Committee]  Adding insult to injury, in this so-called “Christian nation,” these aspiring authoritarians abuse the name of Jesus to help them do their dirty work.
Personally, I find this as outrageous as it is astonishing. I never thought such things could happen here, in America, during my lifetime. Something new and profoundly dangerous is sweeping across America. We must respond by doing something new, as God’s people, to “bring forth the City of God” in our communities and our country — for ourselves, our children, and our descendants for all generations to come.
I believe God is doing a new thing, calling us to a new practice of Faith in Democracy. If you feel as I do, please join the conversation.
Brian Brandt
Formerly the interim pastor at Spirit of Grace